LeftRight Marching Caters To All Drummers, Drum Set Players, and Auxiliary Percussionists

This is just a quick message to let you know that I have been working on the site for LeftRight Marching.  Creating videos can be intense.  Maybe I should just release the videos as I create them…what do you think?

What To Expect From This Site

  • Exercise Calendars – Shows what to practice everyday
  • Videos including exercises, warm ups, Stick Control, and printables
  • Printables can be rudiments and some of my own writings)
  • Shopping – Drum equipment including practice pads, books, etc.
  • Resources – Drummers, downloads, DCI links
  • Private Lessons – Coming soon

Teach Drummers How To Practice

I want to teach drummers how to practice.  This site might be named LeftRight Marching, but there will be a lot of Stick Control and other mind game stuff that benefits drum set players and other auxiliary percussionist too.  Hopefully, you will be able to play along with me and I with you.  At some point, I will integrate a live way to interact (i.e. Skype), offering lessons or just simple play alongs.

Drummer Directory

Another thought was to include a directory of drummers and percussionists.  Basically, you’ll be able to add your face and profile and we can do a guest blogging series where “you are the star” and I am the interviewer.  You can tell my audience all about your drumming habits in practice and performance.

Let me know what you all think by leaving a comment below.

Darren Tunstall