Is Marching Band Still Relevant Today

Schools and communities are constantly changing but marching bands have just as much if not more of a place in the modern world as they did in the past. They serve several purposes and teach valuable lessons to students of all ages.

Exercise- Childhood obesity is a major problem in the United States and Physical Education is often cut from the school curriculum due to a lack of funds. Marching while carrying an instrument is hard work and great exercise. It strengthens most of the muscles in the body and provides cardiovascular exercise. Wind and brass instruments provide extra cardiovascular exercise while marching percussion is better at building muscles in the arms.

Education- Music Education, such as band or chorus, is another subject that is commonly cut from schools to save money and give more time for classes like math and science. Band as an extracurricular activity teaches students about music without having to rely on the school to give it class time and fund the entire program. Parents of students are responsible for buying the instruments and uniforms and the band put on fundraisers to help offset the costs.

Recreation- Like sports, band is an important hobby for some students. They start playing an instrument in middle school, continue to play throughout college, and look back fondly on the memories they made during those times. They made friends, worked hard as a team, and considered themselves ‘band geeks’. Hobbies such as these keep children off the streets and active in the community. Some members play their instruments in adulthood and even become famous musicians. Others pass on their instruments to their children.

School spirit- The marching band is often one of the groups that performs at school sports games in addition to the cheer squad. Their job is to excite the crowd and bring out school spirit in the community watching their team play. Their uniforms display the color and name of their school and some of the routines may reflect team spirit. Students should be proud of their school and the band helps them feel pride.

Students who are not active in other forms of art, like theater or chorus, or those who want to pick up another hobby, should consider joining a marching band. It starts with picking an instrument and learning how to play it. Drum lessons are a great start to being a shining member of the marching percussion band.

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